Thursday 12 March 2015

What If: Stay Positive, Plan, Motivate and Share

Stay Positive, Plan, Motivate and Share
Often times we are afraid of the unknown.  We stress ourselves wondering ‘what if’.  Wondering ‘what if’ reminds me of an old saying, “if, if was a skift, we would all go for a boat ride”.  I would hear this all the time and wonder what does that mean.  I was always saying and still find myself at times saying ‘what if’.  The thing that I did not realize is that the ‘what if’ was hindering me from actually going on the ride of a life time.  
Sure things are going to happen, after all life does happen.  We have to find a way to work around the ‘what ifs’, knock down the barriers, and strive forward. Easier said than done, right?  You are probably asking yourself the same question I kept asking myself; how do I do that? Lets take a look at how to do that.
The first and most important is to stay positive. Stand with confidence and conviction in your opinions and assertions. I like to think of it as standing tall and carrying a big stick. Go with your gut feeling, as women we have a sixth sense to us that never steers us wrong. It will assist us in driving our business in the right direction. Sure there will be bumps, curve’s and potholes along the way, but with the right way of thinking you can dodge them and conquer them. Remember, you are the driver and you choose the road that you want to take.  As Jon Gordon says, “You choose your energy and it will determine the ride, your attitude, how people respond."
Stop blaming others for things that happen, its not their fault. Again you are the one in control. You have to be accountable for your own business, after all that is why you started your own business, right?  Its not always easy to take on that responsibility, but you have to.  Taking on that responsibility will help you make bigger, better and stronger decisions.
Our attitude, mindset, and beliefs play an important role in our everyday success and failures. Jon Gordon believes that “whether we feed ourselves each day with negative fuel or positive fuel, our attitude, our mindset, our belief, our optimism has a big impact on our day.” Staying positive gives you the fuel to accomplish what others cannot.
Stay optimistic, and expect the best to happen.  Its okay to plan for the worse to happen, but remember that is a contingency from plan A. Remaining optimistic will get you moving in the right direction… creating success.
If you don’t have a solution, don’t complain.  Complaining is like a viral sickness that just makes everyone around you sick. If something is not going right, find out why, and find a way to fix it. Come to the table with a solution in hand.  It may not always be the right solution, someone else may even have a better solution, however you show that you are ready to take aim and fire at will, solving whatever the problem may be.
Be thankful, take a walk everyday and think about the things you have to be thankful about.  Like so many things in our lives, we become what we focus on.  If we are thankful for what we have and focus our positive energy toward the success of those things, we will become success.
Good leadership means to ‘transfer your belief’, as Jon Gordon would say.   Share with your colleagues what your business values, expectations, and beliefs are. Let them know what you hope to accomplish. It will help you and them work for a common goal.
There will always be ‘what ifs’, but remember to stay positive, plan, motivate, and share.  Be thankful for all you have.  Stay optimistic and feed the positive energy out to your customers.  Don’t complain, find a solution.  You are the one in control and only you can drive your business to success.  

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